Birthright Tours

These are designed to get back in your Abba's arms and receive from Him the blessing of the Father. You've been empowered, now be set free and be blessed to go out and change the world - making disciples in His name! This represents a significant mile maker and could be one of the most important events of your life!

It is highly recommended that all participants in this program have been through an awakening and through education/equipping. For those not married, we encourage you and your brothers/sisters to travel the journey together and embark on this Birthright Tour as a team. For those who are married, since the next most important relationship after the one with Jesus is your companion, we encourage each husband and wife to individually go through your respective Adventures/Retreats and then embark on this Birthright Tour together.

  • 1 week long
  • Composed of small teams/groups operating relatively-autonomously
  • Hosted as a literal journey across the designated location (reminiscent of the CBS television show, "Amazing Race" without the competition)
  • Accommodations will be mixed, likely varied ranging from rustic/outback to posh
  • Activities are designed considering each location, climate, and the capabilities of the participants; however, they are designed to position attendees to be set free from oppression of the past and catapult into the unshackled life with Christ
  • The culmination of the week is a Right of Passage ceremony in which each individual person receives the blessing of a human father as he conveys The Father's heart for you
  • The cost of the trip covers all expenses except: passports, travel to the USA departure airport (or USA destination if the event is in the continental USA), personal clothing / hygiene products, and spending money.